It is a cream mainly used for treating skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and other inflammatory skin conditions. Fluticasone propionate is a corticosteroid that reduces the redness, irritation, and allergy on the skin and cures it effectively.
This cream is used to treat skin allergic conditions or skin diseases. It reduces the inflammation of the skin and helps to cure redness, allergies, and other things that can change skin conditions. It mainly works over the infected area and cures it effectively.
If you wish to use the cream effectively, wash your hands properly and then dry them.
The next step is to clean the wound and dry it. Take the cream in your hands and apply it gently over the area. Apply it gently until it gets absorbed over the infected area. Wash your hands to avoid any accidental touch to the eyes or mouth.
The 0.005% tells us that 0.05 mg of fluticasone propionate is present in the 1 gram of the ointment.
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